Saturday 15 march at 18:00

[Gala] Dieppe Savate

  • Sport and leisure
  • Sport
gymnase Robert Vain, 76370 Dieppe
The Dieppe Savate Gala is a competition organized by the Dieppe Savate Boxe Française club.
The competition brings together boxers from several regions of France (Normandy, Ile-de-France, Brittany, Rhône-alpes) as well as Italian and Belgian competitors.

It's an evening competition, during which the public will be treated to bouts at different levels (from second series to Elite A, i.e. from beginner to top level). The fighters will make their entrance to the music of their choice, a...


Base rate

Child rate

Opening times

On 15 March 2025
  • 18:00


[Gala] Dieppe Savate
gymnase Robert Vain, 76370 Dieppe
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