Wednesday 25 june from 14:00 to 16:00

Découverte nature en famille - Course d'orientation en famille

  • Work shop / Course
  • Nature and relaxation
  • Animals
  • Nature
32 Avenue du Parc, 76690 Clères
The Parc de Clères invites you to share a moment with your family and discover an aspect of nature. Whether you're interested in fauna, flora or the creative arts, this workshop is open to children aged 4 and over, so you and your children or grandchildren can create an unforgettable memory! Come and take part in our orienteering race.
The aim of the game is to find hidden markers in the countryside and answer the right questions as quickly as possible! Come and discover the secrets of eggs...


Base rate
From 8€

Opening times

On 25 June 2025
  • 14:00 at 16:00


Découverte nature en famille - Course d'orientation en famille
32 Avenue du Parc, 76690 Clères
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