A unique model
Unique and innovative, the revised partnership formula offered since 2022 is part of a move towards a greener destination.
This partnership is offered free of charge to socio-professionals who respect the commitment charter published by the Tourist Office. Criteria such as recycling or initiatives to reduce water and energy consumption are widely accessible to all, while the quality of the offering remains at the heart of the commitment.
Partners who sign the charter have access to a range of benefits, including a practical insert on our website, invitations to pro meetings, éduc’tours and exchange exchanges, and legal and practical information tailored to each sector.
The barter box
The aim of this initiative is toencourage exchange, promote re-use and reduce waste. Books, clothes, children’s costumes, stationery or jewelry… everyone is free to drop off what they want, to take what they want, with no obligation in return. That’s how we saw strawberry and tomato plants circulating around the offices this spring!
Every month, a sorting process is carried out according to the items deposited. Donations that haven’t found a buyer after several weeks are redistributed to local associations such as Emmaüs.

Our cardboard waste

Our documentation and the products we sell in our store are packaged in cardboard boxes, and this represents a significant amount of waste.
At the start of 2023, we decided to recycle this waste by working with thePapier Carton association (APCAR). Located a few kilometers from Dieppe, this organization, which works with people in difficulty, sorts our waste and then resells it to French paper mills. More than just recycling waste, the APCAR association works around environmental, social and economic values.
The Office store
Local in the spotlight!Normandy is rich in know-how! In our boutique, over 80% of the products on offer are local or made in Normandy.
Among the products we’re most proud of are Dieppois apple caramel made in Martin-Eglise, mustards from Monsieur Dupont, beers from Brasserie Dieppoise and canned goods from Crustafrais.
We also feature local artists such as Matthieu and Emilie, a couple from Fécamp who created the MOVI brand, whose illustrations are used on posters, postcards and magnets.
Particular attention is paid to the selection of suppliers. Above and beyond their geographical location, we are keen to select partners who share our values, particularly in terms of CSR.

We like to challenge ourselves!

Since the beginning of the year, team members have been challenged to take up the Green Challenge every month!
On a voluntary basis, everyone is free to participate and share with colleagues their questions, best practices and tips on the month’s challenge.
Preparing a lunchbox, eating seasonal fruit and vegetables, preparing a zero-waste picnic… the themes are varied and the difficulty more or less great according to each person’s habits. It’s a fun way to raise team awareness of sustainable development issues and get away from the formal work environment. See you in December to find out who the winner is!
Eco-gesture charter
& digital sobriety
The Eco-gestures Charter and the Digital Sobriety Charter have been drawn up to raise team awareness and guide them towards the best practices to adopt. They are also invaluable tools for easily sharing our philosophy with new arrivals (interns, seasonal workers, employees…).