Famille de 5 personnes contemplant un massif d'hortensias bleu à la collection ShamrockFamille de 5 personnes contemplant un massif d'hortensias bleu à la collection Shamrock
©Collection Shamrock|Eric Bénard

Shamrock Collection

Unique in the world

The stars of this fabulous garden are hydrangeas* ! Over the past 35 years, Corinne and Robert Mallet have assembled a collection of plants unique in the world at Varengeville-sur-Mer, near Dieppe.

Species from all over the world

The adventure began in the 80s. The couple traveled to England and Ireland. Passionate about botany*, they began to collect various species of hydrangea spotted on their travels. Corinne then travelled throughout Europe, Japan and America to find rare species in their natural habitat.

Opened to the public in 1997, the Shamrock collection now features over 1,500 plants of 70 different species, spread over 2 hectares. Recognized the world over, the site has been awarded 2 quality labels: Collection Nationale* and Jardin Remarquable*.

A firework display of flowers

By mid-June, some species of hydrangea* start to bloom, but it’s really between July 15 and August 15 that the garden offers a veritable firework display: round, flat or climbing bouquets. Colors range from white to red, through all shades of blue and violet.

In the flowerbeds, hydrangeas mingle withother plant species. There are also small groups of trees and shrubs. The mix allows you to appreciate the delicacy of the flowers. It also provides the shade they need. You’ll really enjoy strolling through this variety of plants.

An open-air museum

Visitors can explore two zones. The first is in the form of a labyrinth. Varieties are classified in two ways:

  • either by the name of the person who created the variety,
  • or by the region of the world where they are found.

This layout makes it easy to understand the world of hydrangeas*. It’s a kind of ” living museum “.

The second zone is wilder, the Bois du Dragon. Here you’ll find undergrowth plants.

In the shady alleys, you can admire the harmonies of color and the play of light and shade. There are also benches where you can enjoy the surrounding calm.

Practical information

Practical information


Route de la Cayenne, Varengeville-sur-Mer

Annual sales

In April for the“Fête des hydrangéas” or in October for the“Botaniques de Varengeville“, take advantage of open doors at Shamrock to buy cuttings, seedlings or seeds.

> Find out about upcoming dates <

Page glossary

* hydrangea: a family of plants, the best known of which is the hydrangea, obtained by crossbreeding.

* botany: the science of studying plants.

* Collection nationale label: a guarantee that plants are cultivated with respect for their original characteristics. The garden contributes to preserving the wealth of plants from all over the world.

[woody_anchor id=”jardinremarquable”]* Remarkable garden label: guarantees that the garden is of great historical, botanical or other interest.
